Saturday, Sept 28 - 10:30am-1:30(ish)


Healing Circles at WENDY’S SACRED HEALING SPACE - Phoenixville, PA

You’re joyfully invited to Kathryn’s In-Person Circle at Wendy Harvill’s Sacred Healing Space

We’re going to start with the standard format of Healing Circles past and be open to the new places The Company of Heaven takes us! 

We’re going to sit and get comfy in our circle of chairs, set sacred space, dust off our group work muscles, up the joy levels ,climb into The ArchAngel’s laps, bring in the Sacred Rays of Creation, tone and align our Higher Self, activate our mind body spirits and receive what we need and gently release what no longer serves us!

Kathryn will also access her Modern Day Oracle Self , activate her intuitive insight and give mini readings/messages regarding the areas of your life Your Angels and Higher Self want you to consider at this time. 

 Special attention will be paid to clearing and uplifting old energetic dross and density, that may be contributing to feeling stuck in your life and relationships as well as moving blocked physical stagnation and slow energy or Chi in your body, mind and spirit. If you've been looking for a spiritual and physical alignment and reset, we will tend to that here!

We’ve all grown in the last five years - so too, have the light bringers skills and work here on Earth. The Teams of Light mean to take full advantage of each of our new capacities, meeting us right as we are here and now, and then showing us how brilliant and powerful we are, how gracefully and easily positive shifts in our mind body spirit/perspective can be made! 

This Circle as with All of Kathryn’s work is based on empowering, strengthening and Securing your personal perfect Alignment with Your Higher, Physical and Universal Intelligence, working directly with The Ascended Masters, Teachers, Angels and Guides of Light as Supported by Archangel Michael the prince of Deliverance of Light!


  • Wendy’s Home Healing Space : 63 Flintlock Lane, Phoenixville pa 19460

  • Each Circle is 10:30am- 1:30 ish 

  • $144 

  • More Details will be emailed upon receipt of registration via payment buttons above. Please note, all sales are non-refundable.