Kathryn's powerful and accurate Intuitive Insight is augmented and facilitated by the Assistance of the Ascended Masters, Lady Masters, Divine Mothers and Fathers, ArchAngels and her Many Guides and Teachers. Kathryn's ability to cultivate a deep connection with these beings of light comes from numerous years of diligence and devotion to her personal awakening journey.
As a Modern Day Oracle ...
Kathryn provides immediate insight and profound clarity surrounding your life's questions and concerns. Beyond the parameters of conscious thought, Kathryn harnesses the power of innate knowing. Accessing your 'Bio-computer' she directs powerful changes within your body, mind and spirit and re-aligns you with your Higher self and the dream you had for yourself before you were born.
You, as the Center of your World...
...Interact, co-mingle and, at times, are Triggered by those around you; your family, co-workers and the environment. Consider that you might also be impacted by your past, your ancestors, the histories of those you connect with every day and even those you haven't met yet, including your descendants. Your Physical Intellegence holds the keys to identifying and changing who and what influences your life.
Kathryn's powerful perception is honed to identify and remove the weakening influences from your relationships, ancestors, your job and beyond.
Your Physical Intelligence has ...
...the profound ability to change your life. The same governing force that organizes the universe into perfect, harmonious integration, masterfully aligns YOUR Body, Mind and Spirit. This concept is translated into action during sessions with Kathryn. Directing your Physical Intelligence to "turn on" Kathryn removes the Mental, Emotional and Spiritual programming that weakens your proper Alignment with Spirit, strengthening you to the fulfillment of your Divine Mission.
Kathryn's Empowered Divine Connection & skilfull intuitive ability allows her to properly access your bio computer, comprehend and strengthen disconnects, remove interference, eliminate outdated programming and restore optimum alignment of your Body Mind and Spirit. Kathryn's unique combination of clear intuitive connection with the Divine, coupled with her skillful ability to access and improve your Bio-computer's intelligent influence of your Mind, Body, Spirit is what makes her a successful Modern Oracle.