Transmutation Activities Are ON - AGAIN!


It's that time once again! With a NEW day of the week!!

A Monthly Violet Fire of Transmutation Celebration!

Time to gather REMOTELY and Blaze the Violet Fire on behalf of ourselves, our loved ones and all of Humanity.

We will JOYFULLY raise the Violet Flame Fire, AND transmute, transmute, transmute lower vibrating density and emotional dross into light.

This is a Monthly Sacred Zoom Temple Forum, where we will journey into our very own Sacred Violet Flame Heart within our Sacred Hearts!

ArchAngel Zadkiel, Archaea Amethyst, Beloved St Germain and the Violet Flame Angels of Light will be tending participants and inviting them to receive the powerful energy of the Decrees invoked on their behalf as well as the Violet Flame Bath, Violet Fire acceleration meditation and journey into Your Sacred Violet Heart , lead by Kathryn

  • Sponsored and secured by the powerful auspices of Beloved Ascended Master St. Germain of Light , Archaea (female Archangel) Lady Amethyst & Archangel Zadkiel of Light, participants will receive the following :

    • Blessings and Empowerment Through Ascended Master Saint Germain's Light & Loving Presence

    • Clearing and Refreshment of the appropriately attuned Holy Infusion of the Violet, Violet Amethyst, Violet Pink and Violet Silver Platinum Sacred Fire.

    • Strength and Resolve from Sacred Decrees - Spoken words of Power called forth on Your behalf.

    • Gentle Meditation and Support to lift away, transmute and relieve you, your life and your multidimensional self ; Body, Mind Spirit of burdens and negativity - all via your Higher Intelligence and The Sacred Violet Flame.

    • Assistance and Respite from The Violet Flame Angels & The Violet Flame Legions of Light in easing stress associated with service to the light, humanity and the world at large.

    • Love, uplifting and sealing from your Master Teams and These Violet Flame beings of Light.

The Violet Flame is a powerful Sacred Ray of Creation Light that carries the resonant frequencies and vibrations able to transform and transmute, physical, mental , emotional and spiritual dross, density and negativity.

Now more than ever we require the gifts and abilities inherent in this magical and tangible clearing energy. This is in fact the time we have been training for as beacons of light. Join us as we access our birthright within the heart of Spirit and bring forth the sacred Violet Flame to smooth planetary delivery through these turbulent times. Let’s emerge BETTER than before!

Kathryn will be coming to you LIVE on a secure Digital AUDIO/VIDEO Sacred Temple Forum via Zoom.

  • FOURTH THURSDAY of Each Month

    Thursday September 26th - 7:00pm ET

    Thursday October 24th - 7:00pm ET

    Thursday November 28th - 7:00pm ET

    Thursday December 26th - 7:00pm ET

    Thursday January 23th - 7:00pm ET

    Thursday February 27th - 7:00pm ET

  • Join One Event, Several or ALL!

    Your Choice! : Recording Available for Attendees not able to be on live.

  • Registration for Each Event Closes : 'DAY OF EVENT' 6:00pm

  • Zoom Temple Forum Details emailed to you each THURSDAY morning, prior to circle that evening.

  • Registration complete upon receipt of payment.

  • Venmo, Zelle (contact Kathryn), Credit Card (Stripe) accepted below

  • Self Care Investment : $77 each session

  • SPECIAL :: Register for ALL SIX by September 12th : $ 388