The Archaea are The Divine Feminine Counterparts of The Divine Masculine Expressions of The ArchAngels of Light.
They bring in enormous amounts of comforting Grace. These gentle beings of love will lift from you the eons of pain and struggle that you are prepared to release at this time. These Divine energies come forth now in this special time on Earth when Lightworkers everywhere and humanity as a whole are deep in uncertainty about what their futures hold for them.
The Archaea have expressed, that unlike any other time in human history, a vast majority of Lightbeings incarnated on planet Earth at this time are ready to experience the magnitude of their supportive, stabilizing and consolidating energy in new ways.
The Seven Sacred Archaea are committed to assisting you in stabilizing through your multidimensional nature, moving through the fears, affirming your Divine Co-Commitment to birthing a New World, strengthening your steadfast Devotion to this Holy Endeavor and affixing your sights firmly on the road that leads ahead.