Saturday April 28th ~ 10-5pm ~ $222
Venue : Sacred Centers East, Chester Springs Pa
Join Us as ArchAngel Gabriel and Lord Ganesha join forces to bring you a powerful and dynamic experiential workshop, assisingt you in bringing your work, your relationships and your Divine Purpose to the next level of Action, Manifestation & Results.
Learn about Divine Flow and why it's a good thing to live your life in this energy. Claim tools and techniques, brought forth by these Loving and Benevolent Beings of Light to usher in new and good changes into the areas of your live you have been desiring to transform.
ArchAngel Gabriel name means GOD IS MY STRENGTH. He is a Powerful and Loving Archangel and can assist you in Triumphing over Fear and bringing yourself more clearly, freely and authentically into every area of your life.
Lord Ganesha is a Beautiful and Potent Servant of the Divine. He is known as the REMOVER of ALL OBSTACLES and is the Son of the Perfected Universal Transformer-Lord Shiva.
Together these Beings provide a synergistic combination of transformation and blessings for your life and your swift and upward flight on your Highest Golden Trajectory for your incarnation!