Divine Alignment Empowerment Membership :: PERKS PAGE
October 2024,Record Breaking Solar Activity You Say!? LET’S LEAN IN SHALL WE!? ALLLL about or AMAZING STAR
Here’s a Really awesome Zoom Workshop I did a few years ago with The Bodhisattva’s of Light! PLEASE NOTE : This is a Private Video just for you on YouTube - you will need to open the link SIGNED INTO YOUR GOOGLE ACCOUNT - Thank you!
Here’s a WONDERFUL Violet Flame BOOST for the Magical Mystical Month of May Violet Ray Amplification that happens on Earth Every May! Thank You Mother Mary & Beloved St Germain of Light!! PLEASE NOTE : This is a Private Video just for you on YouTube - you will need to open the link SIGNED INTO YOUR GOOGLE ACCOUNT - Thank you!
This is a REPLAY of The Divine Mother Quan Yin session from The 12 Sacred Divine Mothers SELF CARE series from 2018 :: I asked the teams what could be provided to support the DAE membership right NOW and this came gracefully in! Enjoy the Video
Below are two energy clearing tools from “What is Lightbody” book :: The Entity Release &The Triple Grid. Please use these tools
DAE Members : You’re the FIRST to Meet The Sophia Dragon!
This is my most recent painting ; all completed and ready to continue doing its Divine Evolution work!
Here’s a little snippet of what this Sacred Artwork piece does: Divine Mother Sophia is the essential Blueprint upon which all else is built. She is Creation and Non Creation, she is the plan, the execution and the manifest form in the cycle of creation. She is the whisper of Life before conception and manifestation and she is all life itself.
Divine Mother Sophia is also a representative of a collective of beautiful healing legions of light, angelic attendants and sacred beings of light in loving service to The Great Cosmic Divine Mother Sophia present in all Matter, Form and Void.
The Sophia Essence nurtures and is supported by powerful beings of light of which this Dragon is one.
Dragons represent the link between all the worlds and a Sophia Dragon speaks to the formless void and our natural unity in paradox and opposites.
Eyes laser focused up into the Heart of The Universal Light of The Divine Mother, this Dragon, deep in devotion, soars fearlessly forward and upward, answering the call of Divine Mother in joyful and enthusiastic service.
HERE is The FULL Painting, All The DETAILS & Purchase Options
Here's a list of activities to assist you in being lifted above the incoming energy waves!
Turn off and power down all screens :and do any of the following…
Listen to Bach or Mozart or Indian/Middle Eastern Classical music
Walk in nature, the more dense nature the better
Reading ecstatic poetry : Rumi, Hafiz, Wendel Barry, Walt Whitman etc
Read your "happy books"
Be silent and still outside
Rub your own feet/face/hands
Put on your favorite music and Sing/dance
Make an altar
Walk in nature
Play cards
Play an instrument
Cuddle/brush your animals
Read/listen to a poem/book out loud to others or self
Use your spiritual tools/meditations
May 2, 2022 ::
Dear Members,
This is one of my most treasured Authors. He speaks to the Beauty and Magic of existence and is so “Crazy Wisdom”. I remember why I have come here every time I sit with his words ; I bet you will too. He’s got a profound link with his Divine Connection Empowerment!
Please enjoy This podcast, one of Fine and Famous Reputation, as it creates lovely space, for an even lovelier American Acting Treasure/Hottie as he reads Mr. Calvino’s Heart swelling tale ; “The Distance to The Moon”
LISTEN HERE :: ‘THE DISTANCE TO THE MOON’ : By Italo Calvino : Read by Liev Schreiber on Radiolab|WNYC Studios